Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Pictures: My First 3 Months in Saraya

My last month in village has been filled with so many crazy and wonderful adventures that I would like to share with all of you but, unfortunately, all the crazy wonderfullness has kept me from finding a time to write about it. Here are some pictures to tide you over until I get time to post a real blog...

Saraya, my home

The Saraya basketball courts (courtesy of NBA Cares)

Downtown Saraya: the market, mosque & boutiques

Saraya mosque

The tailor shop outside my house with some of the boys who work there

My hut

My sister's daughter and my namesake's daughters; the spunkiest girls in all of Senegal.
(From left: Samuro, Kunadi, Allamuta)

My namesake's youngest son, Sambely

Me and Allamuta #1
(Study the faces carefully)

Me and Allamuta #2
(Study the faces carefully.
For anyone that has known me since childhood they should see be able too see the silly-picture/serious-picture pattern and see why Allamuta and I were so quick to become friends)

My sister, Dioucounda, braiding my hair for Korite (end of Ramadan celebration)

The outcome of the hair-braiding.
(All I wanted was to not look like Coolio...)

My host mom, Sadio (in the green/yellow dress with the red necklace and white head scarf), and some friends from around town on Korite

Diabou Tounkara and Diabou Tounkara
(I'm the one on the left, just in case you were confused)

My sister, Dioucounda, and her youngest daughter, Oumou

My host dad, Ibrahim, sitting in his favorite spot in the shade structure

Caroline (my site mate), Tess and I on our way to language seminar in Misserah Dantila (~60km from Saraya)

Me, Mr. Sall (Saraya English teacher) and my site mate, Caroline, at a party with all the local teachers

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